"A goal without a plan is just a wish." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Many of us have a 'bucket list'- things we want to see or experience during our lifetime.
If you don't have such a list, make one now. It won't take much time or thought. It could include places you would like to visit, restaurants you want to try, and/or experiences you want to participate in.
Look at your list and choose one of the items. Start TODAY and make a plan to achieve it. This might include blocking time on your calendar, opening a separate savings account to tuck money aside, or taking lessons. Whatever the case may be, start taking the steps to accomplishing items on your bucket list.
You already know, time slips away so quickly and you will always remember the adventures.
Leave a comment to share your favorite bucket list items!
'Till Next Time,
"The Curious Roaster"
P.S. If you have ideas for us to explore, shoot an email to ask@mistergcoffee.com!